I survived Day 1. 

Every time we have added another little one to our family, the first post-pregnancy day I survive by myself with just the kids is one I count as an absolute win. This time was no different. Today marks 3 weeks since the life I was carrying and growing warmly and safely inside me, entered our little space of the world. It also, so happens to be the first day I have been with all my kids…completely solo.

And quite frankly, I am feeling pretty good about how the day went.

I mean —-

• Groceries were bought. (Can we give it up to Walmart for their AWESOME online shopping and pickup thing they have going on? Everything bought and picked up withOUT having to unload my small army of children. 🙌🏽)

• Not one, but FOUR loads of laundry washed, hung to dry, and put away.

• Time outside on the porch to unwind and play.

• 3/4 kids bathed and clean before bed.

• And. No one missed a meal. (Albeit, cereal was the entree of choice for dinner 😬.)

So now, I lie here in bed reflecting on this day that I was initially quite intimidated by and I remind myself of why it went so well.

I serve a God who is rich in mercy.

A mercy so rich, it brings my dead heart to life; so rich, it is also poured out in many ways of grace in the everyday minutiae of things. He draws me to Him and refines me through, sometimes the extraordinary, but often in the ordinary.

I saw how His grace was extended through the generosity, kindness and sacrifice of others. 

People in my life…showed up. In all kinds of ways, people were the hands and feet of Jesus to my family and I. Where we needed, He provided through the outpouring of love from people we walk with in this life.

My day was good and so (dare I say) perfect, because of His provision.

For example…

I thought about the many hands who helped out when we were trying to get our little home move-in ready before our newest arrival showed up. I can’t even begin to thank those who showed up and gave of their time, energy, sweat, hard work…just for my family. I mean, my poor sister about scrubbed her poor fingers off when she set out on the task of helping with the grouting of our floors.

We had friends – dig ditches in uncomfortable weather conditions so we could run a new electric line to our house; sweat themselves to death helping with siding, installing cabinets and transferring (by hand) a monstrous pile of drywall from where it was dropped outside to the inside of our shop; my parents (bless them) worked their tails off outside to help make it our place somewhere that looks more and more like home.

Then, when the time came, we had family give up vacation days to help move us into our house…without us even asking. They just showed up.

I had a nice comfortable home to be in today with my kiddos, because of the many ways God used people to bless us with much needed help.

These last 3 weeks? Man, they have been tough for me on a physical level. C-sections—are no joke. Being 34 and having undergone a fourth c-section (with an extra little removal of tubes thrown in for fun [read sarcastically]), REALLY was tough on me this go around. The healing process was so much slower and harder on me.

But, people showed up.

My parents literally gave up a month of their lives to help take care of me and my family. They helped clean out the last remaining necessities from our little travel trailer, took excellent care of our other children, and just gave completely of themselves in every way to help make this transition a good and easy one for us.

Meals. I don’t even know where to begin with this one. Every person who showed up with a meal for my family…just completely messed with my emotions. Inside, I was a blubbery mess with each sacrificial blessing that was brought over. People are busy, teachers were soaking up their family in the last days of summer, friends with new babies, friends with their own families to tend to, my awesome mother-in-law who provided a slew of frozen meals…all showed up. 

The meals? Were awesome. But what they brought to my family and I was so much more…it showed us not only did they care, but they reminded us of our faithful God who cares, too.

Prayers. There is nothing that can make a momma come to her knees quicker than her children. When your tiny and new little life seems to be having difficulties, there is something so comforting and powerful to know you have an army of people praying for him. And when our little guy was getting bili levels checked every other day and we were worried out of our minds about unknowns…people showed up to pray. We were surrounded by prayers of peace by friends who brought our needs/anxieties before the Throne of Grace.

To wrap it all up?

Well, this extra long post of mine is really summed up in these two words – show up.

People are always wanting to make a difference and do something big…but I was shown that sometimes (probably most times) it is the small things, the ordinary things, the not-so-glamorous things that will make the biggest impact in the lives of others.

Through the seemingly boring day-to-day ways of showing up, God was glorified; I am fully aware of His amazing mercy and grace that was woven through the everyday ways people poured themselves out to my family.

I know, my successful day today is in no part all my own doing. It was because of the richness of His mercy and grace…by those who (maybe unknowingly) were being used by Him.

To all those who have shown up…thank you.

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